Congleton Park
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Accommodation in Buxton close to Congleton Park

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Congleton Park 10.4 miles
The Hartington Apartment 2

8.1 Excellent location!
(64 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.5 miles
Solomon's Peak Apartment

9.5 Staff
(51 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.4 miles
The Hartington Apartment

8.6 Free WiFi
(50 reviews)

Congleton Park 9.8 miles
Grendon Bed & Breakfast

9.9 Staff
(40 reviews)

Congleton Park 11.3 miles
The Garden Rooms

9 Staff
(37 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.5 miles
Holiday Hideaway Central Buxton

8.9 Free WiFi
(37 reviews)

8.2 Excellent location!
(35 reviews)

Congleton Park 8.7 miles
The Cosy Cabin

9 Staff
(20 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.6 miles
13 Eagle Parade

9.3 Staff
(16 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.6 miles
12 Eagle Parade

9.8 Excellent location!
(15 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.8 miles
2 Brocklehurst Cottages

9.7 Staff
(12 reviews)

Congleton Park 10.6 miles

8 Excellent location!
(12 reviews)